Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580

Onward and Upward!

The Highlights What a world we live in.  Those of us passionate advocates have been a bit disappointed in the California budget process recently.  I will spare you the gory…

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My Next 40 years

By Sadie Hess A Huge Secret Hamlet famously uttered the immortal phrase: “To thine own self be true”.  These timeless and significant words have recently taken on an even deeper meaning and value for my life. I am…

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Flying Eggs

By Sadie Hess Recently, I was on a conference call in my Redding office enjoying the view out of my window (there were no vagrants that day, which is always…

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Fading Memory

By Sadie Hess I was thinking about the future, but through the lens of the past. I remember when I was a sophomore in high school; I rode the bench…

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In the Future

By Sadie Hess This year’s blogs have seemed to be a series of confessions.  Perhaps I am getting more comfortable with myself and can “let it all hang out”, as…

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Here Comes The Sun

By Sadie Hess Confronting Positivity Someone recently confronted me for my positivity.  Actually, this isn’t the first time.  People often tell me our newsletters are too cheerful or our Facebook…

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How Full Is Your Bucket?

By  Sadie Hess How full is your bucket? I understand that is not your average question, but I hope it is one that we will be asking clients, staff and families…

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We Have Moved

By Sadie Hess We have moved! I am happy to announce that we no longer have an office in Dublin, but we are now in Pleasanton!  For those of you…

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Why CompassLovesU?

I’m very excited to share a project that has been on my heart and mind for a couple of years.  We want to continue to provide innovative support to staff and feel it is…

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