Category: VLOG

Town Hall | August 20th
This was a live Town Hall event record on August 20th. At the very end, the meeting was cut short and ended abruptly due to technical difficulties.

2019 Recap
As 2019 comes to an end, we want to reflect on all of the adventures, the hellos, the goodbyes and all of the change. Check out the 2019 recap VLOG here.
Dream History | History Series
In this episode of our History Series, Eric & Sadie talk about Dreams and how they became part of our culture (and history!) at Compass!
No Grit No Growth | History Series
In this part of our series, Eric & Sadie continue to talk about the struggles of growth in the History of Compass.
Disneyland Anniversary VLOG
In this VLOG, the entire Hess family shares with us their love of Disneyland and it’s special connections to Compass!
Work Life Balance [Part 1] | Question Series
In this video, Eric and Sadie discuss how they balance Compass life and their home life! Eric and Sadie answer the question in both a philosophical and practical sense. This is Part 1 of 2. Stay tuned for part 2!
What You Wouldn’t Guess About Eric & Sadie – VLOG
In this VLOG as part of our Question Series, Eric and Sadie answer the question, “What is something about you that most people wouldn’t know?” Be sure to send in your questions by clicking the button below the video! To see more VLOGs, check out our channel here.
Compass Scorecard | VLOG
In this very quick, brief vlog, Eric and Sadie talk about the Scorecard! They explain what it is and what that means for Compass as a company, as well as some of the practical ways we are putting this tool to use in 2018.

Send in Your Questions
Eric and Sadie want to hear from you! Comment below with your questions or send a video comment and your question may be answered in the next video! Watch this video to find out Eric’s secrets on how he stays so skinny!