Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580

Win-Wins! Even in the Gray

By Cassandra Sales, ILS Program Manager

“Don’t define your world in black and white because there is so much hiding in the gray” – Unknown

Gray Can Be Messy

At Compass we thrive in the gray area. However, we all know the gray area can be very messy. We aim to make that less messy by finding win-wins in situations. We may not be able to accommodate everything, but if it is important enough to you for you to put in the work, we can absolutely work towards a win-win.

The Champion of the Gray

John is the champion of the gray area. One of our core values is Freedom, and John is a true testament of the power of freedom. John’s independence is very important to him, and he wants to remain as independent as possible. John has struggled to find a system that works for him when it comes to his medication. As a result, he was transitioned to SLS about a year ago to ensure his medications were properly managed.

Thinking Outside the Box

John didn’t desire to remain in SLS as he wanted to put in the work to find a better system and return to ILS. How can we as a team support John towards his win-win? As a team, we began to think outside of the box. If John needs support with medications and does not want staff here every time he takes them, how can we make this a win-win.

New Freedoms

Through a partnership with Redwood Coast Regional Center and lots of research, he has since received a timed medication box. The medication box has allowed John the freedom to have minimal staffing and ensure that his dream to do as many things independently as possible comes true.


John, who a year ago needed more support than ILS could provide is now thriving in his independence. That’s what we like to call a Win-Win.

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