Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580

Kenneth: A Compass Success Story in Every Sense

By Cindy Cobb, Case Facilitator

Kenneth has been with Compass for a total of 12 years. Kenneth became an ILS Client with Compass in 2011 then Transitioned to SLS services in 2020 when he needed more care. Kenneth lives in an apartment by himself with compass supports of 24- hour staffing a day. Kenneth appreciates and values Compass services and his Compass staff that collaborate with him. Kenneth is kind to his staff, to his Compass friends and to anyone he meets. Kenneth always has a smile on his face and is consistently happy.


Kenneth communicates with his staff and others by writing in a notebook expressing his needs or by ALS sign language. Kenneth is a man of few words but when he is happy, he will laugh, and it is the best sound you have ever heard. Kenneth has overcome so many obstacles in his years with compass. Kenneth has overcome the obstacle of not being able to hear or see, except a little out of his right eye, by building such a deep trusting relationship and partnership with his compass staff.

Living His Best Life!

One of Kenneth’s goals was to move out of his old house that he was renting that was not in good condition into a nice, newer apartment of his own. On March 15th of 2021, Kenneth was signing papers to move into his nicer, newer apartment. His Dream had come true! Kenneth from then on has had the biggest smile on his face and is living his best life ever! Kenneth Feels safe in his apartment knowing his staff are there with him and that his daily needs will be met.

Likes and Dislikes

Kenneth knows what he likes and what he dislikes. Kenneth is an artist that loves to paint pictures, bird houses, color, and draw. Kenneth and his staff plan what they will be doing everyday first thing in the morning. Staff go over the calendar and the events for the day while Kenneth eats his breakfast. Kenneth sometimes has a doctor’s appointment and then goes to lunch afterwards, or a nice walk around Green Horn Park, or an outing in the community.

Health and Vegetables

When there is free time Kenneth communicates with staff and picks what he would like to do for the day. Kenneth has an exercise bicycle with back support that he sits down on and pedals for 30 minutes every day. Kenneth has been choosing to eat a healthy diet, per his doctor’s recommendation, and has lost 45 pounds. Way to go Kenneth! Kenneth loves his vegetables.

Compass Events

Kenneth loves it when Compass has a Bravo Buck’s Event where Kenneth can see his friends, socialize, and buy a Compass t-shirt with his Bravo Buck money he has earned. Kenneth likes going to the Mt. Shasta Cinemas due to them having Headphones and the words on an interpreter screen for him to be able to understand and enjoy all that is happening in the movie.

An Inspiration

Kenneth has been able to apply for many services, with the support of his staff, which has helped him keep his bills paid and be able to live comfortably on the income he makes. Kenneth is an inspiration to us all to live life to the fullest, be Happy and enjoy the adventures in life! Kenneth is my Biggest Success story and fills my heart with JOY!


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