Providing services for adults with disabilities.

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What Brings You Joy

By Sadie Hess

What brings you life?  What brings joy?  People ask these questions as if the answer should be on the tip of my lips and something I inherently know and feel.  But I struggle to articulate what lights me up from within because I think of everything besides work.  You aren’t supposed to answer work, are you?

Hobby Question

Here’s the thing:  I don’t paint.  I don’t garden.  I don’t even like to shop.  I have difficulty with the “hobby” question.  I have things I like to do– swim, be with my family, be in nature, but I wouldn’t particularly call these hobbies.  I think of a hobby as something you devote time, money, and effort to.  In return, the hobby gives you back vivacity, joy, and goodness.  

I like to work. I like getting things done. If I am at the dentist’s or waiting in the pick-up line at school, I will open my email and work 9 out of 10 times.  I will rarely scroll through Instagram or play a game on my phone.   

I used to believe my love of work made me strange.  I worried I was imbalanced in my schedule and “should” find hobbies.  I bought gloves in case I wanted to work in the garden.  However, as I have aged (like a fine wine I might add), I have become more comfortable with my passion for work.  I see it for what it is:  a holistic way for me to do my favorite things.

Favorite Things

Firstly, I hang out with friends.  My job affords me life alongside my favorite humans in the world.  They are generous, compassionate, and fun.  I devote time to them and find so much life and joy, as they return all that I give them plus more.  The people at Compass are part of the best ways I spend my most precious resource: time.

I also get to creatively dream.  Dreaming brings so much joy.  It is not just our tagline; it is my lifelong passion.  I love to see what dreams can become.  Asking what can happen when people get together and push a dream into reality is thrilling.  Because I love this so, Compass will be investing money into dreams this year.  If you go on a retreat and come up with a dream, we may just invest money into seeing that dream become a reality.  I can’t wait to see the effects!  Dreams are a way I spend money and get so much happiness in return.

I also get to put effort into people—determination into staff and clients believing each will grow. People can bloom into such beautiful souls when given a little bit of time, education, and direction.  Over my career, I have seen some of the most stunning blooms of people.  I have a garden of individuals being their best and it is gorgeous.  

So, in my math, work CAN be a hobby.  As I put time, money, and effort into Compass, I see the beautiful garden all around me.  People growing and living their dreams is the best hobby!


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One response to “What Brings You Joy

  1. I found this job to help a friend out. I wanted to be a nurse to help the elderly but that didn’t pan out as I expected and I blew out my back and became disabled. I was working on disability paperwork when I applied for this job and agreed to work 40 hours a week with a fear I may not be able to handle that many hours a week with how badly my body is “broken”. My heart took over, and helped my body along and now I’m up to 72 hours sometimes more because THIS is the job I was ment and designed to do. So yes I have hobbies and sometimes I do get to do them but I prefer to work and see the smiles on the clients faces then be home.

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